bylo oblíbeným sloganem propagandy prvních dvou dekád vládnutí KSČ. Na což se ironicky odpovídalo, horníkova roba. Po dvaceti letech demokracie, čili vlády lidu, můžeme všichni o sobě říkat: My jsme lid! A kdo je víc? a odpověď je se stejnou ironií jednoznačná. Ústavní soud.  

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2 komentáře u „JÁ JSEM HORNÍK! A KDO JE VÍC?,

    • Rod I agree about these banks and these bogus bailouts given to cipoanmes that dont know how to run a business. Why reward failure? Its not like anybody did anything to them to make them sink the ship. They did it to themselves, with corporate greed, union greed, putting out a product that they knew was inferior because nobody cared about quality, just sucking out more money. So why does our government pay them billions for that kind of behavior? Its so wrong. Its just so wrong. They will be right back sinking again, because they allready are wanting to write bonuses and the unions are allready wanting more of the money. Throwing good money after bad. What a shame. But the dems had to make sure they bought some future votes didnt they? I mean look at all the votes they have been buying for this health care thing? Its fricking criminal. If some corporation did crap like this, theyd all be in jail. Its just criminal, but you know, you get what you pay for. When America put a criminal from Illinois in the White House, and he assembled his Chicago thugs around him, did you all really think it would be any different? Come on man. Gotta help a brother out. Its criminal, thats all I can say. Just plain criminal.

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